” The term Apheresis derives its origins from the Greek “ἀφαίρεσις ”and from the Latin “aphaeresis”,
that means: ‘elimination’ ,‘removal’, ‘subtraction’. ”

In medicine, any process that leads to a “removal” of cells, molecules, components, toxins from the blood or otherwise from an organism can be considered an Apheresis.

There are many apheretic processes:

  • dialysis, both extracorporeal and peritoneal
  • the separation of blood components
  • removal of gases
  • filtration and adsorption treatments in general.
Aferesi come terapia

It is a vast and articulated world, and approaching it in an organic way may seem an insurmountable obstacle/impossible challenge. The targeted removal of cells, molecules and toxins from the blood is the purpose of the Apheresis and the goal of Aferetica.

Apheresis as a Therapy for the most varied medical-clinical fields.


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