The ECM Course ‘Continuous kidney replacement therapy (CKRT) in the newborn and critical child’ will be held from March 27th to 28th at the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital (Rome).

We report you the sessions within the scientific program in the Salviati Halls 1 and 2: March 27th at 15:40 ‘Practical stations CRRT, miniaturized dialysis, columns for absorption, anticoagulation’; March 28th from 09:15 to 09:45 ‘Sepsis and hyperinflammatory syndrome: devices for the removal of endotoxins and cytokines’ (G. Bottari) and from 14.45 to 15.15 ‘Registro EuroAkid – Registro Cytoped’ (I. Guzzo – G. Bottari).

Come and visit us to discover new frontiers in extracorporeal therapies with CytoSorb®.

For further info

Aferetica: CKRT in the newborn and critical child 2024