
The evolution of ex-situ reconditioning of abdominal organs for transplantation.

PerLife® is the multi-therapeutic platform dedicated to ex-situ perfusion, with organ-specific therapeutic modalities and the use of dedicated kits:


Therapeutic procedure dedicated to kidney reconditioning. *


Therapeutic procedure dedicated to liver reconditioning. **

* Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund with a contribution of €131,240.23, allocated in the budget of year 2018.
** Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund
Medical device CE marked

PerLife: Dedicated Transplantation Therapy Systems
PerLife Logo: Dedicated Transplantation Therapy System.

PerLife® in summary

Perlife Therapy system dedicated to Transplantation


Machine Perfusion Solution

PumpProtect® is a medical device dedicated to ex-situ hypothermic organ perfusion of kidney or liver. It is an aseptically produced clear, sterile and pyrogen-free solution.

PumpProtect Dedicated Transplantation Therapy System