As part of the Purification Therapies Journey, Aferetica is glad to announce the upcoming important national and international events: SIAARTI National Congress 2021 and EACTS Annual Meeting 2021.
The 75th SIAARTI National Congress will take place at La Nuvola Convention Center in Rome from 29/08/2021 to 01/09/2021. From 1:30 to 2:30 PM, on Thursday 14th October, Aferetica will hold the symposium ‘Inflammation & Cytokines: from diagnosis to therapy’, with A. Giarratano as chairman. Speakers: A. Giacomucci (Perugia), PSP a predictive marker of Sepsis and Covid 19; G. Berlot (Trieste), Cytokine Remodulation: the experience with Covid 19; Cytokine Remodulation: clinical evidence in Sepsis
At Aferetica’s stand (areas 7-14), you will also find: SWS-5000, the system designed for blood purification on acute patiens; abioSCOPE, the real-time sepsis diagnostic platform; PerLife®, the system for liver and kidney perfusion and purification intended for transplantation.
Moreover, from 13/10/2021 to 16/10/2021, the EACTS Annual Meeting 2021 will take place at the l’International Barcelona Convention Center. We recommend the symposium ‘Hemoadsorption with CytoSorb in various cardiac surgery indications’, organized by our partner CytoSorbents. Here, Professor L. Gottin (Verona) will intervene with ‘ECMO in combination with hemoadsorption in cardiac surgery patients’.