Aferetica participates in the 62nd edition of SIN National Congress, from 06/10/2021 to 09/10/2021 at Rimini Palacongressi.

Aferetica invites you to attend the symposium ‘Le patologie acute infiammatorie: dalla diagnosi alla terapia’, scheduled on Thursday 7th October from 12:45 to 1:45 PM.
Chair: V. Cantaluppi (Novara) e L. Gesualdo (Bari)
Rimodulazione delle Citochine:
– F. Aucella (S. Giovanni Rotondo), L’evidenza clinica nella sepsi
– T. Rampino (Pavia), L’esperienza nel Covid-19
PSP come biomarker predittivo di Sepsi e Covid-19
G. Castellano (Milan)

Moreover, for the entire duration of the congress, our staff will be available at Aferetica’s booth (areas 5-6).

For further information:

SIN 2021 National Congress