The first day of the Workshop Purification Therapies ‘From Research to Clinical Evidence’ will be dedicated to Transplantation, from conservation to organ regeneration. In line with Aferetica’s mission, we want to give a concrete contribution to the debate on transplantation, for an actual change in the research field, in the development of innovative therapies and in the application of therapeutic systems.

  • What do we expect from Research and New Technologies in the transplantation field?
  • What are the main limits and problems of organ transport? What are the technological solutions available today?
  • Why organ ex vivo perfusion? What is its purpose? When to do it? How to do it?

These and many more are the key questions that we will try to answer on September 30th 2022, together with the speakers who will be on the stage of Centro Congressi Cariplo in Milan.

See you there!

For information:

Download full programme of the Workshop

WPT 2022: on September 30th, focus on Transplantation